Auspano Photography - Around Australia in 100 Photos

This site details the travels of Jenny and Geoff Barton. As Grey Nomads, and keen landscape photographers, we are attempting to create a book of 100 photographs that represent Australia. By that, we mean 100 photographs that show our view of Australia - its diversity and its beauty. To get 100 photos that do this vast country justice will be a major exercise. This website is both the plan for our book, and the discussion of the results. The website is really broken down into three areas: 

The Places. Where we are going to photograph, and where we have photographed. Australia is a vast place and we need to plan the places that we intend to photograph. It is also useful to know how to access the sites, and what to expect at the sites.
The Techniques we use to photograph the sites. Photography, in my opinion is about expression - expressing your view of what you see. But as in any language, the more language you know (the technical aspects of the language) the more likely you are to express yourself clearly. I will talk about the techniques that I use, or used to capture a specific image. Hopefully this helps others understand how to express themselves too.

The travel itself. Travelling Australia is not for the feint hearted, but it is also not that hard. We will talk about what works for us, and what does not work for us.

Geoff setting exposure on the Linhof Technorama
Geoff setting exposure on the Linhof Technorama

It is planned to take us 2 years (100 photographs at a rate of one successful photograph per week means 100 weeks) That means a lot of travel and a lot of sites to try and visit. It is also clear that with 5 little grandkids, we cannot be gone for 2 years straight - so the 2 years is likely to be more than 4 based on 50/50 away / home ratio.

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    Auspano has specifically been set up to create large Australian Panoramic Images. The work is intended to show the 'real Australia' instead of tourist focussed images.

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    Australian Travels

    Photographing Australia requires travelling Australia. This sub-site is dedicated to how and where we travel, and what lessons we learn.

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    Traveling Australia requires a vehicle that go anywhere, self recover, and accomodate two adults. We chose a Unimog, and this site details how we modified it to suit our purposes.


Auspano is an Australian Panoramic Landscape Photography business within Advanced Control Concepts Pty Ltd. Advanced Control Concepts Pty Ltd is a diverse company, but with a background in Project Management Services. Jenny and Geoff Barton are the Auspano photographers.


Advanced Control Concepts Pty Ltd